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pickled food中文是什么意思

用"pickled food"造句"pickled food"怎么读"pickled food" in a sentence


  • 腌制食品
  • 腌渍食品


  • Do you like pickled food ?
  • Study on the ph value on the growth of the halophilic bacteria in the pickled food
  • Avoid salty and preserved or pickled foods such as salted eggs , salted fish , fermented soya beans , oyster sauce , smoked meats , fermented bean curd , and so on
  • Chinese people need to eat more fresh fruit and egetables and cut down on salted and pickled food - - ery popular in china - - as well as smoking and drinking to reduce the risks , he added
  • Chinese people need to eat more fresh fruit and vegetables and cut down on salted and pickled food - - very popular in china - - as well as smoking and drinking to reduce the risks , he added
  • Chafing dish material , meat , cupped water , lunch boxes , cupped noodles , bean curd , snacks , various prepared foods ready for heating microwaves , seasoned frozen foods , pickled foods , and processed agricultural products & sea food etc
    广泛用于果冻、布丁、果汁、杯水、奶制品、豆腐、调料品、杯面、豆腐、火锅料、肉片、各式微波冷冻调理食品、腌渍食品、农渔产加工品… …等灌装与封口。
  • To add flavour , use herbs or spices such as ginger , spring onion , garlic or dried tangerine peel , etc . , ( western herbs like parsley , coriander , pepper , etc . , ) to season foods instead of preserved or pickled food and seasonings such as salted fish , salted eggs , miso , oyster sauce , etc . , ( western food or seasonings like sausages , stock cubes , salt at table , etc . , )
    处理方法:要增加食物的味道,可选用天然调味料如姜、 ? 、蒜、果皮等,以代替腌制食物或调味料,例如咸鱼、咸蛋、面豉、蚝油等。
用"pickled food"造句  
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